Monday, November 10, 2008

A "Republican" Prayer For the US

Rev. Joe Wright's Prayer at the Opening of Kansas legistlative session which created a lot of criticism from the Democrats

Prayer For Our Nation 
Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. 
We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done.
We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values.
We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. 
We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare. 
We have killed our unborn and called it choice. 
We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable. 
We have neglected to discipline our children and 
called it building self esteem. 
We have abused power and called it politics.
We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition.
We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and 
called it freedom of expression.
We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and 
called it enlightenment.
Search us, Oh God, and know our hearts today;
Cleanse us from every sin and Set us free. Amen!' 

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Lord's Prayer from New Zealand

Eternal Spirit

Earth-Maker, Pain-bearer, Life-giver,

source of all that is and that shall be,
Father and Mother of us all.
Loving God, in whom is heaven.

The hallowing of your name echoes through the universe!

The way of your justice be followed by the peoples of the earth!

Your heavenly will be done by all created beings!

Your commonwealth of peace and freedom sustain our hope and come on earth.

With the bread we need for today, feed us.

In the hurts we absorb from one another, forgive us.

In times of temptation and test, spare us.

From the grip of all that is evil, free us.

For you reign in the glory of the power that is love, now and forever.


From the Book of Common Prayer of New Zealand. source

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Prayer for Peace of St. Francis of Assisi embodies the love of humankind.


Prayer for Peace



Make me an instrument of your peace,

Where there is hatred,

Let me sow love;

Where there is injury, pardon;

Where there is doubt, faith;

Where there is despair, hope;

Where there is darkness, light;

Where there is sadness, joy.


O Divine, Master,

Grant that I may seek

Not so much to be consoled,

As to console;

To be understood,

As to understand:

To be loved,

As to love;

For it is in giving

That we receive;

It is in pardoning

That we are pardoned;

It is in dying

That we are born to eternal life.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Prayers from Abraham Thomas's evaluation Worship on October 1, 2008


Holu Spirit we thirst for You
Holy spirit come fill us now
Lord Jesus we yearn for You
Our hands are empty, our lives are dry
We know we've only seen a glimpse of You
Now we're reaching out for more
Search our hearts oh Lord, go deep
Breath in Love into every part of us.

Praise and Thanksgiving

Creator God we praise you fro creating us in your likeness and for being a loving and merciful God. We give you thanks because you are are good and your mercy endures fore ever. We thank you Lord Jesus for coming to our world and loving us and dying for our sins and giving us a hope of your Kingdom. We thank you Holy Spirit for continually being with us, inspiring and admonishing us.
Dhanyavad ho pyaare Prabhu ( Thank You dear Lord)

Closing Prayer (Inspired from Lord's Prayer)

Dear God we call you our Father and Mother because you love us. Let your name be hallowed through the love we show towards our fellow beings. Let your will be done and your kingdom come in our midst. Give us our daily bread and help us to share our food with others. Forgive us when we fail to love others and give us a forgiving heart. Lead us not into circumstances where we hate others. But deliver us from the evil of violence and hostility. For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen

To read a report about the evaluation worship and sermon click here

Friday, September 5, 2008

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Excerpts from Greeto Racharia's Worship order (August 27, 2008)

Life Giving Mission of God towards Children

Call to Worship

Come, O children of God, to worship our creator, leaving behind our differences, to listen to the innocent cries, to engage in breaking the oppressive structures and to continue the life giving mission of God.

Opening prayer

O God the source of life, we thank you for the very gift of life which you have given to us as we come into your presence this morning, we ask you that your presence might open our minds and sharpen our thoughts, to realize the truth and realities around us. Grant us grace and patience to understand the struggles of children, inspire us to pull down the oppressive structures that crush them that we may engage in a life giving mission of God.

Prise and Thanksgiving

We praise you, O creator God for being the very seed of life; we thank you for hearing the cries of the oppressed like Hagar and Ishmael and intervening throughout history whenever life was threatened.

We praise O liberator of God, for being the shoot of hope among struggles; we thank you for breaking the evil of discrimination prevailing in our societies and making the children as inheritors of your reign.

We praise you, Comforter God, for being present within us, and we thank you for strengthening us to fight injustices and guiding us live as children of God.


Leader: What shall we tell our children?

Who are abused by people in their own families, unable even to cry out their pains?

Who see their parents commit suicide since they are unable to cope up with their life situations?

Who cry in agony, unable to go to school, but to work inorder to support their families?

Shall we tell them, be silent and thank God for all the small blessings they have now?

Response: Lord we confess that we have remained silent to these innocent cries.

leader: What shall we tell our children?

Who see their mothers beaten by their fathers and chased away from home in a drunken rage?

Who see their people being discriminated because of their "Dalitness" or their "Adivasi" origins?

Who are taught their God is the only true God and others worship false Gods?

Shall we tell them that these are the structures in which they have to live?

Response: Lord we confess, that we failed to confront and break all these oppressive structures

Leader: What shall we tell our children? Who live in deprivation, daily worrying about food, clothing and shelter?

Who ask why there is no clean air, why is our water polluted, why this climate change?

Who ask why two nations fight each other, why do children get killed in war?

Is violence the solution of war?

Shall we tell them only the strong can live in this world and the weak can be exploited of their living?

Response: Lord we confess that we have failed in your life giving mission.


May the merciful God forgive our short comings, as we have truly confessed them and provide us strength to create an alternative society. Amen.

A Prayer Modeled after the Lord's Prayer

Our Mother and Father who know all our worries, we praise you

Help us to follow the examples opf children and be inheritors in your community,

Mould us to be instruments for your purpose, give us our needs, and help us to be

contented with what we have, sharing it with others around us,

Forgive us when we fail to respond in love to the needs of our neighbours,

Safeguard us from the temptations of becoming silent spectators of injustice,

Deliver us from becoming perpetrators of evil so that others who see us and our works many glorify you our creator, Amen.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Affirmation of Faith, Confession and Lord's Prayer from Rosalind Elaiyarani’s Evaluation Worship, Aug 13 2008

Affirmation of Faith

I believe in the living God,

the parent of all humankind

who creates and sustains

the universe in power and in love.

I believe in Jesus Christ

God incarnate on earth

Who showed us by his worsds and work,

Suffering with others, conquest of death,

What human life ought to be

And what God is like

I believe that the spirit of God

Is present with us now and always,

And can be experienced in prayer,

In the Word, the sacraments,

The community of the Church

All that we do. Amen


Lord God Almighty,

Frogive us, your children, our lack of confidence in you, our lack of hope in your reign, our lack of faith in your presence, our lack of trust in your mercy.

Forgive your church, its wealth among the poor, its fear among the unjust, and its cowardice among the oppressed.

Restore us to your covenant with your people; bring us to true repentance; teach us to accept the sacrifice of Christ; make us strong with the comfort of your Holy Spirit.

Break us where we are proud, make us we are weak, shame us when trust ourselves, name us where we have lost ourselves.


Lord’s Prayer

(Composed by Reverend James Theophilus Appavoo)

Vanathila Vazhugira Pethavere samy

Um per velangavenum samy Viduthala vara venum

Needhiyatra atchi venam Pethavere samy

Um nemayulla atchivenum Uthamare samy

Vanathila unathusitham kodi Parappadhu pola

Indha olagathilum nadakka Venum Pethavere samy

Othumaya oru oulyil Sendhu thinnum soru

Nittam nittham kedaikkanuame Pethavere samy

Kutthangala nee mannicha Pethavare samy

Appdy mattavanga ktthangala Mannichittom samy

Sethukula madinjazhiyum Natthu pola nanga

Pei sothanayil veezhhndhidama Katthiduvai samy

Atchudan adhikaramum Pethavare samy

Keerthiyellam ungalukke Thandhidurom samy

Aam amen aam amen Pethavare samy

Anadhiyaga amen amen uthamare samy

Friday, July 25, 2008

Daniel Philip: Contemporary Versions of the Affirnmation of Faith and the Lord's Prayer

Affirmation of Faith

We believe in God, our mother and father, creator of the universe, who formed everything from chaos to order.
We believe in Jesus Christ, a carpenter of Nazareth, friend of the oppressed, who is the Lord and Liberator, who wants not to be idolized but to be followed. He was executed by the hypocrites and the unjust society. God of life raised him from the chains of death and gave us hope.

We believe in the Holy Spirit who motivates and encourages us to challenge the traditional power structures. We affirm the Holy Catholic Church, which is responsible to continue the liberative activity of God. We look forward to a world of justice, peace and integrity. We believe in the hope for a new earth, brought about by th renewal of the whole creation where all will have in its fullness. Amen.

A prayer using Lord's Prayer as a Model

Our God, who is ever present in the struggles, pains and suffering of the people, your name be exalted. Your reign of love and freedom come. Your will to do justice and righteousness be done in the here and now. as it will be in your reign. Give us this day the courage to stand for rights, and to demand for an equal share of your wealth. Forgive us, our silence in the face of injustice, for burying our dreams, complying with the 'status quo.' and give us the will to become agents of social change. Lead us not into an attitude of complicity, but deliver us from all the dangers of becoming docile. For to you, belongs the power to judge and the power to liberate, fro ever and ever. Amen.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Excerpts from Binu's Worship Order

Excerpts from Binu Thomas's Worship Order July 16, 2008

Call to Worship

Life is broken, life dies
Life is reborn, life continues,We do not look back to the past But to the new futures that arise each day with the the new rising of the sun
With the fresh dews on the grass
And the sunshine of new possibilities
Let these see symbolize the new possibilities (seeds brought forward)
Of life that open before us
Come let us explore the possibilities of of life in God's presence
God is the giver of new life; we come to God's presence

Prayer of Confession

I cannot, OUR
If my faith has no room for other people and their needs
I cannot say, FATHER and MOTHER
If I do not demonstrate this relationship in my daily living
If I, who am called by God's name, am not holy
Unless I lead your people to the fullness of life
I cannot say, YOUR WILL BE DONE
If I do trust in my own ways
Unless I am truly ready to give myself to God's ministry now
If I ignore the genuine needs of my neighbour
If I continue to harbour a grudge against any one
If I continue to remain in a situation here I am likely to be tempted
If I am not prepared to stand for the right
If I fear what my neighbours and friends say or do
I cannot say, YOURS IS THE GLORY
If I am seeking my own glory first
I cannot say, YOURS IS THE POWER
If I support the unjust and life-negating power systems around me
I cannot say, FOREVER
If a I am too anxious about each day's affairs
I cannot say, AMEN
Unless I can be honest.


The way is too long, let us go together
The way is difficult , let us help each other
The way is joyful, let us share it
The way is Christ's for he is the way
Let us follow
The way is open before us
Let us go with the love of God, the grace of Jesus Christ
And the Communion of the Holy Spirit.

Lords Prayer in Hebrew/ Aramaic

Matthew gives the Prayer in rather crude Greek, behind which one can sense the original Hebrew, the original Aramaic, Matthew 6.9-15: [AVINU SHEBA-SHAMAYYIM/ Our Father Who art in the heavens/ YITKADASH SHEMAYCHA/ Let Thy Name be sanctified (hallowed) / TAVO MALKUTAYCHA/ May Thy Kingdom come/ YE-ASSEH RETZONCHA/ Let Your Will take place/ K'MO BA-SHAMAYYIM KAIN BA-ARETZ/ as it is in the heavens, so also upon the earth/ ET LECHEM HUKAYNU TEN-LONU HA-YOM/ Give us today the bread for this day/ U-SLACH LONU ET HOVOTHEYNU/ Forgive us our sins (debts)/ KA-ASHER SOLACHNU GAM ANACHNU L'HA-YAVAYNU/ As we also have forgiven our debtors/ VIH-AL TIVI-AYNU LI-Y'DAY NISA-YON/ And lead us not into the hands of temptation/ KEE IM HAL-TZAYNU MIN HARAH/ And deliver us from evil from

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Kiss of Peace

Kiss of Peace

Let there be Love, shared among us
Let there be Love, in our eyes
May now your Love, sweep this nation
Cause us O Lord, to arise

Give us a fresh understanding
Of Motherly Love, that is Rpreal
Let there be Love, shared among us
Let there be Love


composed by Dave Bilbrough,1979

Friday, July 4, 2008

Affirmation of Faith and the Lord's prayer from Dn. Babu Abraham's Evaluation Service

The Affirmation of Faith: "We believe in One God, the author of life and creator of the universe, who is not in some distant place but in our midst. We believe in the Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who came into the world to seek the lost, to redeem the whole creation and to free us from all forms of oppression. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the giver of life, who leads us all to truth, renewing us and enabling us to grow in the likeness of Christ.
We affirm that the Church and its entire members have a mission for today: to proclaim the good news and to work with those who struggle to for justice and freedom in our communities.
We affirm the dignity of all who live in the world, the basic right of every human being to develop as a child of God, for whom Christ has given Himself in love. Amen."

Lord's Prayer: "God our parent, who is everywhere
Your name will be Holy
Your rule comes
Your plan be executed on earth
Provide our sustenance Forgive our wrongs and injustices
Inspire a forgiving Spirit in us
Help us to overcome our self-righteousness
And liberate us from all evils
Yours is the rule, the power and the glory forever and ever, Amen.