Friday, July 25, 2008

Daniel Philip: Contemporary Versions of the Affirnmation of Faith and the Lord's Prayer

Affirmation of Faith

We believe in God, our mother and father, creator of the universe, who formed everything from chaos to order.
We believe in Jesus Christ, a carpenter of Nazareth, friend of the oppressed, who is the Lord and Liberator, who wants not to be idolized but to be followed. He was executed by the hypocrites and the unjust society. God of life raised him from the chains of death and gave us hope.

We believe in the Holy Spirit who motivates and encourages us to challenge the traditional power structures. We affirm the Holy Catholic Church, which is responsible to continue the liberative activity of God. We look forward to a world of justice, peace and integrity. We believe in the hope for a new earth, brought about by th renewal of the whole creation where all will have in its fullness. Amen.

A prayer using Lord's Prayer as a Model

Our God, who is ever present in the struggles, pains and suffering of the people, your name be exalted. Your reign of love and freedom come. Your will to do justice and righteousness be done in the here and now. as it will be in your reign. Give us this day the courage to stand for rights, and to demand for an equal share of your wealth. Forgive us, our silence in the face of injustice, for burying our dreams, complying with the 'status quo.' and give us the will to become agents of social change. Lead us not into an attitude of complicity, but deliver us from all the dangers of becoming docile. For to you, belongs the power to judge and the power to liberate, fro ever and ever. Amen.

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