Friday, July 18, 2008

Lords Prayer in Hebrew/ Aramaic

Matthew gives the Prayer in rather crude Greek, behind which one can sense the original Hebrew, the original Aramaic, Matthew 6.9-15: [AVINU SHEBA-SHAMAYYIM/ Our Father Who art in the heavens/ YITKADASH SHEMAYCHA/ Let Thy Name be sanctified (hallowed) / TAVO MALKUTAYCHA/ May Thy Kingdom come/ YE-ASSEH RETZONCHA/ Let Your Will take place/ K'MO BA-SHAMAYYIM KAIN BA-ARETZ/ as it is in the heavens, so also upon the earth/ ET LECHEM HUKAYNU TEN-LONU HA-YOM/ Give us today the bread for this day/ U-SLACH LONU ET HOVOTHEYNU/ Forgive us our sins (debts)/ KA-ASHER SOLACHNU GAM ANACHNU L'HA-YAVAYNU/ As we also have forgiven our debtors/ VIH-AL TIVI-AYNU LI-Y'DAY NISA-YON/ And lead us not into the hands of temptation/ KEE IM HAL-TZAYNU MIN HARAH/ And deliver us from evil from

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